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Family Ministries


We place a huge value on families.

We realize that our most important relationships are our families so we want to make a big investment there. We offer multiple environments for children from birth all the way through High School. Each environment is appropriately catered to each age group.



For babies–5th grade, HopeKidz is a children’s ministry uniquely designed with your child in mind! Kids experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way. They have their own music, games, illustrations, and even small groups that meet every Sunday morning.


Youth Ministry

We believe that it’s important to engage our teenagers in a way that is both relevant to them, but also reinforces relationships back to the family and the church as a whole. Middle School & High School aged students attend church on Sunday mornings with the adults, but have their own environments and small groups that meet throughout the week.

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